VMAXPRO效度文章-慣性傳感器用於測量肌肉力學的效性(五) | Concurrent validity of an inertial sensor for measuring muscle mechanical properties

VMAXPRO效度文章-慣性傳感器用於測量肌肉力學的效性(五) | Concurrent validity of an inertial sensor for measuring muscle mechanical properties

VMAXPRO效度文章-慣性傳感器用於測量肌肉力學的效性(五) | Concurrent validity of an inertial sensor for measuring muscle mechanical properties



Concurrent validity of an inertial sensor for measuring muscle mechanical properties


Elias Olovsson Ståhl & Pontus Öhrner



在三個變量當中的所有數據點上,兩種設備之間皆存在顯著相關性(pV r = 0.98,avgV r = 0.98,avgP r = 0.97)。估計標準差(SEE)在兩設備之間的數據為pV = 0.08, avgV = 0.04 & avgP = 73.47。在線性迴歸分析的回歸方程式分別展示了pV,avgV和avgP在圖4至圖6當中。

VMAXPRO效度文章-慣性傳感器用於測量肌肉力學的效性(五) | Concurrent validity of an inertial sensor for measuring muscle mechanical properties

VMAXPRO效度文章-慣性傳感器用於測量肌肉力學的效性(五) | Concurrent validity of an inertial sensor for measuring muscle mechanical properties

VMAXPRO效度文章-慣性傳感器用於測量肌肉力學的效性(五) | Concurrent validity of an inertial sensor for measuring muscle mechanical properties


Bland-Altman分析的結果則表示所有紀錄的數據點皆在一致性誤差(LOA)的上下限當中。Bland-Altman分析結果可以在圖7到圖9當中看到pV、avgV及avgP數據點。在Bland-Altman分析當中的pV、avgV 及 avgP分析值分別為:偏差(Bias)= -0.12,LOA下限= -0.99,LOA上限= 0.75;偏差(Bias)= 0.01,LOA下限 = -0.45,LOA上限= 0.47;偏差(Bias)= 30.94,LOA下限 = -546.08,LOA上限 = 607.95。


VMAXPRO效度文章-慣性傳感器用於測量肌肉力學的效性(五) | Concurrent validity of an inertial sensor for measuring muscle mechanical properties

VMAXPRO效度文章-慣性傳感器用於測量肌肉力學的效性(五) | Concurrent validity of an inertial sensor for measuring muscle mechanical properties

VMAXPRO效度文章-慣性傳感器用於測量肌肉力學的效性(五) | Concurrent validity of an inertial sensor for measuring muscle mechanical properties


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